Rank Math Plugin Basic Review 2021

Rank Math Plugin Basic Review 2021

So what is the Rank Math plugin and what is it for? It’s a Search Engine Optimization plugin for WordPress websites that makes it easy for anyone to optimise their content (blog posts). Does that answer the question? No? That’s why I am doing this Rank Math Plugin Basic Review 2021. Why is it basic? … Read more

Breaking through the Glass Ceiling

Breaking through the Glass Ceiling

Is there a glass ceiling? Is it real? What is the Glass ceiling and is breaking through the glass ceiling possible? Why don’t we find out what it means first? Definition of Glass Ceiling from SociologyDictionary.org An artificial, unseen, and often unacknowledged discriminatory barrier that prevents otherwise qualified people such as women and minorities from rising to positions of leadership and power, … Read more

What Is a Winning Mindset

What is a winning mindset

Mindset has become a hot topic for those in the know. It appears in Personal Development and Self Help books and courses frequently. But what is a winning mindset? Google  says: People with winning mindset believe that they can achieve their dream life. It takes courage to believe and once you started believing in your dreams, … Read more

Why Others Try to Hold You Back From Success

Why Others Try to Hold You Back From Success 1

When you’re trying to change your life, there will be people that feel the need to get in your way. A few of them might actually believe they’re trying to help you, but they’re not. They want you to stay just the way you are. That way, they can feel comfortable about not improving themselves, … Read more

Your Future Self will Thank You

Yoiur future self will thank you

How do I know and what for? BIG questions those! What could your future self thank you for? Lot’s of things I suppose. Getting fit, eating more healthily, investing or saving money, buying and old house and doing it up ….. and there are loads more. There is also a massive one. Your future self … Read more

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