So you want to start a business

business start up

But do you really want to start a business? You dream of arranging your hours to suit you. To have time for family and friends, hobbies etc. You probably saw yourself, getting up, doing a bit of work, then swanning off out for the day to have fun or maybe go shopping or a day … Read more

What do you Fear

What do you Fear?

What holds you back from living your best life, what do you fear most? These are the ten most common. Is yours here? Arachnophobia  [The fear of spiders.] Ophidiophobia  [The fear of snakes.] Acrophobia   [The fear of heights.] Agoraphobia  [ The fear of open or crowded spaces.] Cynophobia   [The fear of dogs.] Astraphobia   [The fear … Read more

What type of work is available online

dream job. What type of work is available online

So you want to work online Nowadays everything seems to be online. But what type of work is available online?  There are many people who no longer want to go shopping for food and clothes. If they work long hours they don’t want to waste time going out to shops to buy necessities. We make … Read more

My Quest to learn Affiliate Marketing

A quest sounds very noble, rather grand and even quite exciting. Sounds as though I am looking for the holy grail doesn’t it? But what is my quest to learn affiliate marketing about really and why? How it all began! In a far off galaxy ……… ………. many aeons  ago …………. ………………. No, not really……… … Read more

Searching for online work is a journey


So…….. you have been searching for work online……. You may have heard, like I did, that there are more and more jobs online. They increase as the real world ones disappear. Searching for online work is a journey you start out on and then it gets complicated. You start out innocently, unaware of what`s out … Read more

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