Table of Contents
6 Months!
I cannot believe I have already been a part of Wealthy Affiliate for 6 months.
This article is my Wealthy Affiliate 6 month review.
They say time flies when you are having fun and/or are insanely busy. I am here to tell you that is true. I feel as though I have blinked and missed most of the last 6 months. It’s crazy!
Am I still enjoying it? A resounding YES!
Do I still love learning as much? Yet again a resounding YES!
How far have I Got?
I have 5 websites on Wealthy Affiliate so far. One has nothing much on it yet but the others are up and running. Some have more posts than others and this site has the most posts.
Advice is to focus on 1 site but I like to make things harder for myself. Not really…… well maybe a bit.
But I had an idea for a site, thought I had bought the domain, checked weeks later, discovered I didn’t buy it and it was gone. I was really annoyed with myself. So now when an idea pops up, I set up the site and buy the domain straight away.
It’s a juggling act, not easy but I’m not too worried about the secondary sites, doesn’t matter if they are slower to build up.
In a way though it’s good as the setting up of each site is easier and faster as I get more used to it, helps me retain that knowledge too.
The more you use the knowledge and practice it the better it stays.
Is it just blogging?
Blogging is a major part of it. Once the site is up an running you need to have content (blog posts) on there for people to read. You have to add new posts regularly otherwise people won’t come back as much. You need regular traffic to your site to get ranked in Google.
To get regular traffic you learn about keywords, I am really getting the hang of those now.
Next comes SEO – Search Engine Optimisation.
- Which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.
- In other words, SEO involves making certain changes to your website design and content that make your site more attractive to a search engine. … SEO is the process that organizations go through to help make sure that their site ranks high in the search engines for relevant keywords and phrases.*
Affiliate Marketing.
Then of course, there are all the affiliate marketing programmes.
I honestly thought it would just be big well known company’s that wanted affiliate marketers and we would be struggling to get on board with a couple of them.
The reality? There are literally thousands and thousands of them, I was stunned. Now it was no longer a case of fighting to get on board with one or two, it was a case of selecting companies and applying.
There is of course training on how to do that too.
You can access a whole section on the WA site that lists companies wanting affiliate marketers. There are also companies in the list that have thousands of companies under one overall umbrella company.
If I hadn’t known before that this was the way of the future I certainly do now. The possibilities are endless.
Social Media.
You also learn about social media.
I already had social media sites set up and well established so this wasn’t as big a learning curve as I thought. There was however, plenty, that will help improve my social media even more.
How to set up a business account on the main social media sites, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Linked In. How to gain followers, the best way of interacting etc.
Most of all how you can use it for advertising. You want to be able to use social media to advertise your blog posts and anything else you want. This is of course free advertising.
Each of those platforms has paid advertising too and there is training for that too.
There is a joke that springs to mind where whatever the question someone says: There’s an app for that. On Wealthy Affiliate it’s always: There’s a training for that.
There is always more training. When people on the site learn something new, they share it as a training session to help others.
I’m not sure if there is any subject related to online working, starting a business, affiliate marketing and any other even vaguely related topics that aren’t also covered.
The training is very important. It takes you through all the steps needed to create a successful online business. How quickly you go through it is up to you.
Some get partway through and don’t finish the training, only to return to it months or even a year later. They thought they could take a short cut but they have just lengthened the time it takes to reach their goals.
Stick with the training, go through it at least once and don’t get distracted by all the other training available like I did.
I love to learn so was very much like a kid in a sweet shop, I wanted to try and have everything…. right NOW. It delayed my progress a bit but I learnt things I didn’t know too.
But that’s the reason I haven’t yet quite finished all my training. I am close but not quite there.
Best thing I ever did.
Have I had doubts or wanted to give up? YES! I am of course human and would get tired and frustrated over something that was usually quite simple, often caused by me.
I won’t give up though, otherwise all the time and effort I have put in would be wasted.
I am finding it much easier now. Post subjects come to me more easily, the writing flows more easily too. New knowledge sinks in and takes hold much easier now.
When you learn new things your brain creates new neural networks. It used to be thought that they began to die out as we get older but apparently it has been discovered that we can continue to create new neural pathways into our 90’s. That’s why as I go further along this path I am finding it all so much easier.
Would YOU like to give Wealthy Affiliate a try? Want to know what it’s really going to be like? If YES, then read this blog first.
Action Required to build a website!
This blog sets out the reality, points out how hard it can be, especially if you are working too. Have a quick read before you jump in feet first.

If you are still determined after reading that then come and join me.
Find your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a business, the pathway to freedom from bosses and the humdrum of 9-5.
First the chance to try it for free. Have a look at the training, try it out, build a website and see how you feel about it. To reach success takes commitment, dedication and perseverance.
Taking the first step is the hardest.
Upcoming Hosting Changes, March 16th, 2020
We are moving to updated hosting plans in preparation of some significant launches in May, and the introduction of a standalone Managed WordPress Brand being launched Summer 2020.
These are how the hosting updates look:
Starter Membership: 1 Website, Formerly 2 Websites
Premium Membership: 10 Websites Any Type (NEW), Formerly 25 Own Domains / 25 Free Websites
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