Top 10 WordPress Themes for Blogs

Top 10 WordPress Themes for Blogs

A professional WordPress theme will make your blog stand out. Isn’t that what we all want? I know I do, so that’s the reason for this blog post, the top 10 WordPress themes for blogs. Personally, at this time, I prefer Generate Press. I liked it so much I got the Pro version. It was … Read more

Debunking Blogging Myths Part 2

Debunking Blogging Myths Part 2

So, did you see the first post Debunking Blogging Myths Part 1?  CLICK HERE! This post is a continuation of that post, mainly because I felt it would be far too long a post if I put them all into one. I know many people don’t like overly long posts and that includes me. I … Read more

An Easy Guide to Affiliate Marketing

The easy guide to Affiliate Marketing

This is an easy guide to affiliate marketing, just the basics really because a lot of people have no idea what it is. Some that do have a vague idea, think it is something dodgy. Trust me, it’s not. So what is it? From Wikipedia: Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards … Read more

Debunking Blogging Myths Part 1

Debunking Blogging Myths Part 1

I suspect many of us have heard at least some of these blogging myths that get trotted out on a regular basis, especially to those of us that blog. I have heard a few myths just lately so I thought I would do some research and was actually surprised by how many there are rolling … Read more

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