What is your Passion

What is YOUR passion?

What do you most like to do? Most LOVE to do?change your life Limited Time Offer on Wealthy Affiliate Yearly Plan

Sport, outdoor or indoor?

Your home and or garden?

Making things? Crafts of some sort?

Painting. Are you an Artist?

Reading? Are you a prolific reader?

Do you write? A blog, stories, journal, recipes etc?

Perhaps you have many interests you pursue. When you lose interest in one you move on to the next. It saves you getting bored.

Discover your passion.

If you have many interests or even just a few how do you discover your passion?

fuel your passion

What do you talk about the most? Which one lights a fire within you and which hobby/pastime/interest do you spend most time and money on?

We have all heard people talk about something with real passion. They light up with the excitement it gives them to pass on what they know. They love it so much they feel everyone should want to do it too. That’s real passion!

Your main passion will be the one thing you do that you cannot and do not, give up entirely, even when other things catch your interest.

How to find passion?

What if you spend most of your time working and have been for many years to build your career? What is your passion then?

Could it be the work you do or have you reached the point of realising there is more to life than work? So many of us reach a point of knowing we no longer want to work for someone else. That we want to enjoy life more. Be able to dictate the hours worked, around families and other interests. Plus, those long hours can be better spent building your own business and creating your own fortune rather than for someone else.

So you have reached that point or at the very least, are starting to think about options, otherwise you wouldn’t be searching.

So if you haven’t had time to enjoy hobbies/pastimes, what have you done to unwind? TV, Cinema, reading, online or offline games, walking,  swimming, meditating, yoga, anything at all? Anything you made time for could become a passion.

Why do we want a passion?

Because a passion could become a business.

If you love what you do, it’s not such hard work. The long hours won’t matter, the time it takes to set it up and then for it to build, won’t matter. You will be working towards your own future and that alone will make it worth it. Add in doing something you love and you will gladly graft all those long hours.

Also a passion makes an excellent niche for a business website.

Why does that matter?

It will be much easier to write about something you are passionate about. You will have many blog posts you will fill easily. You won’t run out of ideas of subjects to write about.

Why would you need to write?

Nowadays if you sell anything you need to write about it. This is commonly known as blogging. If you go searching you will find blogs on every subject under the sun.

There is plenty of competition so you need to catch people’s interest enough for them to read a post all the way through and then want to come back. You need to build a following and trust. Your readers need to be able to trust what you say.

Blog. What is your Passion

If you are writing about a subject you know well and it’s an interest of theirs, they will understand that you know what you are talking about. This starts to build trust and will bring them back. Then when you recommend something you have they will be more inclined to buy.

This is a new and better version of the salesman. Where they would spot you, talk at you, drone on about facts and figures and bore you to tears until you couldn’t wait to escape.

We are the sales people now but times have changed, now we need to be interesting, passionate about what we do and capture the persons interest from the outset.

We need to have the answer they seek, to solve a problem they have, to help in any way not necessarily by selling them something, just helping because we can. Yes we are running a business but we are human beings too, put on this planet to help each other.

What now?

You have a passion, want to work for yourself and definitely like the idea of working from home. Yes? No commute, late trains or  buses jam packed or traffic jams, irate drivers, accidents, delays, boredom and most of all, so much time wasted. Not so bad on a train, you can start work, if you have a seat.

traffic jam

How many hours are wasted. What’s the commute, an hour each way? Even a bus ride into the city can take nearly that long for me. Love the house a bit early, just in case the bus is early and walk to the bus stop, wait in the queue, takes time when it’s busy. If it’s commute time in the morning, everyone going to work, the traffic is non stop and holds the bus up. You finally reach your destination, get off and walk to your place of work. Sound familiar?

Same with trains. It’s not just the journey time, it’s how long it takes to get to the station, the wait for the train etc. Then it’s the same in reverse returning home.

Bet that working from home is sounding very attractive right now, especially for those who’s commute is even longer.

Can’t afford to leave the job?

What do you do then? Start building a business in your spare time like countless people before you.

No business takes off overnight, it takes hard work and a lot of hours just to get it started. Does it still sound attractive? If so then you decide what you want to do. No idea? That’s okay, I know a brilliant place that will teach you all you need to know about business, show you how to build a website, how to blog, all about SEO, google rankings, social media and ……….


You thought social media was just for keeping up with family and friends. Ahhh ……. and google is just there to answer questions. You have much to learn.

It will be fun, exciting, tiring, frustrating and wonderful.

Where to go?wealthy affiliate membership link.

This site I know is Wealthy Affiliate. Ostensibly it is for affiliate marketing, a rapidly growing area of work online. You advertise other people’s products and earn commissions if those people buy through your links. That’s the simplified version.

The one of the best things about this site is the training, it’s easy to follow and the videos can be stopped and started as you build your shiny new website. No losing your place and starting over. If you didn’t quite get it, go back and see it again. Even I could do it.

Am I biased about this company? You bet I am. After months and months of searching, watching endless videos that ended with a push to buy some system or another that would supposedly make me a fortune overnight I was very wary, expecting yet another scam.

But unlike every other ones I saw, this one let me sign up for free, not a debit card in sight and then get to start building a website. I got to look around, talk to people, was welcomed warmly and offered assistance at every turn. No other I had come across even allowed a peek at what was on offer without handing over a few hundreds or thousands of pounds.

Is Wealthy Affiliate any good?

I joined back in March, signed up for Premium membership in April and I still love every minute of it. Am I earning yet? No but it takes time to build and this year I have limited time to work on my sites. Did I mention I now have 5 websites?

What is your Passion 1

And I am loving every minute of it. YES! Is it plain sailing? No! When I come up against a problem I ask the community and/or the site support. Works every time.

I have time for my family, I go to visit different ones for 3 -4 days each month. One over a long weekend, Thursday to Monday, 2 others for 3 days each time during the week.

I couldn’t do that with a regular job. With this work, the laptop goes too.

Read my 6 month Review HERE!

If you want a better future, work you can fit around your family, now is the time to begin. It will take time to build up but it’s better to be working towards your future than staring at a TV screen every evening.

Try it for free. Join, have a look around and decide for yourself. If it’s not for you, just leave. You’ve lost nothing by looking. Or you could find a whole new passion, introducing your passion to others!


If you have any questions, please ask, comments welcome. If you enjoyed this post please share.


4 thoughts on “What is your Passion”

  1. This is simply awesome and I’m very delighted that I came across a post like this given me the reasons I need to build my business around my passion. Passion is needed in everything we do especially in our work and we cannot achieve anythingbunless we fuel it with our passion. Building our business around our passion would ensure we have enough knowledge to write on things we can resonate with and exactly what we can write on to not run out of topic. Also, we would ve able to establish ourselves in the line while doing exactly what we love to do. Great post

    • Thank you Rodarrick. Discovering your real passion is a big step forward. Sometimes we think its a hobby or an interest we presently have but then realise it is the one thing we go back to again and again.

      Glad you enjoyed the post.

  2. Those are great questions and quite frankly, the truth indeed because if one can answer those correctly to self, then they are halfway towards finding that which makes them happy to work online.

    It is all about passion. I totally agree with you. You have to be happy with what you are doing. There must be a passion, a drive, and a motive to do what you are happy with.

    I am glad to bump into this article and I am sure a lot of folks out there will benefit from this too. 

    Thanks for sharing it.

    • Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

      When you have passion for what you do, it doesn’t feel much like work. You look forward to doing more and moving forward.

      I am glad you enjoyed the article.

      All the best to you.


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