Best Christmas Gift is a Better Future

Did you/do you get lots of Christmas presents? Do you get yourself a present.

What would be a great present to give yourself? Any ideas? A weekend away, a newer car, a shiny expensive watch?

Well I truly believe that your best christmas gift is a better future. Think about it. A present to yourself that would last for years and grow too.

What would it be? How about learning how to create an online business?

How? Join those learning how to create a business online. You can build it alongside your job until it earns enough to give up your outside job. From there you have more time to build it up further.

Why would you want to?

As jobs disappear in the real world, shops closing down, companies encouraging people to work from home and downsizing offices, factory automation etc, more jobs appear online.

Doesn’t it make sense to get in and get started now, before your real world job vanishes?

dream big Best Christmas Gift is a Better Future

Maybe your job is safe for years to come but you are tired of working for someone else and want the freedom to decide your own hours. It makes family life much easier because you can spend more time with them by working when they aren’t about.

Perhaps it has long been a dream to have your own business but held back because of startup costs. A big concern in the real world, not so much online.

How would I get started?

I recommend learning everything you need to know with proper training courses.


never stop learning.


Ten years ago I started a craft business, I was naive and hadn’t been on the internet much. Hadn’t even set foot on the social media platforms and No, not even Facebook.

I could have been successful much sooner had I had the benefit of training. Instead I learnt it slowly, very slowly as helpful people suggested I get an FB business page, told me I needed Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest and when it appeared Instagram. 

Most things I learnt the hard way. It took me 4 years to start making a decent profit.

So I suggest the training to help you.

What will I learn?

I am learning at Wealthy Affiliate which has very comprehensive training.

Training will cover all aspects you need such as building a wordpress website and you get to build your site gradually as you learn which makes it much easier. If you don’t quite get something, you can go over it again and again until you do.

You learn about niches and how to create content for your site using keywords, how to get ranked in google using SEO. How to bring traffic to your site, how to become an affiliate for other companies or they have a training section to be an affiliate for Wealthy Affiliate.

There is a vast amount of training on every subject, too many to list here, not just those supplied by Wealthy Affiliate but many more from long term site members. 

You will also learn about the community and find out first hand how wonderful they are. Always there to answer questions, to help with problems, to celebrate the wins and commiserate when something doesn’t go right.

Most of all they inspire every day, encouraging you to keep going and reach those goals.

What will it cost?

It’s Free to join, no credit or debit cards required.

Upcoming Hosting Changes, May11th, 2020

We are moving to updated hosting plans in preparation of some significant launches in May, and the introduction of a standalone Managed WordPress Brand being launched Summer 2020.

These are how the hosting updates look:

Starter Membership1 Website, Formerly 2 Websites

Premium Membership: 10 Websites Any Type (NEW), Formerly 25 Own Domains / 25 Free Websites


Best Christmas Gift is a Better Future 1


What you get.

There is training to do, 10 lessons teaching the basics and you get to have a go at building a website and more. It’s the best way to join, then you can look around, try it out and see how you feel.

Becoming a Premium member opens up a whole new world of training.

If you decide to go Premium within 7 days, the first month is usually less than half price at $19.

I went that route.

Free, to check it out as I had no intention of being scammed.

Then the bargain month, so that I could be really sure of what I would be getting.

When I was a couple of weeks into the paid month I knew, without any doubts, that this was what I wanted to do.

That this site could provide everything I needed for the business I wanted to create.

Being a Premium Member!

Is it hard work? YES!

Is there lots of support and help available? YES! Both excellent site support and community support.

Will I quickly be earning lots of money? NO! 

This training is to build a long term business with a solid foundation that will grow year by year, as long as you put in the hours and the work. Basically you get out what you put in.

Do little work and you will get  very little back, its as simple as that.

Are You Ready to Invest in Yourself?

I was so 100% sure this was what I wanted to do, that I decided to pay for a years membership. It was so much more cost effective and it showed I was serious, myself as well as the world.

I decided to invest in myself as a gift to myself. To take a step forward into a better future. I am building my business step by step, to get the future and lifestyle I want.

Want to Learn about Affiliate Marketing and starting a business Online?  Go HERE.  Or HERE.

Want to see my 6 month Review? Click HERE

wealthy affiliate membership link.

How about you?

Are you ready to start creating the future you want? Will you invest in yourself and your future?

I don’t offer giveaways you’ll never get round to using, for joining via my link. I offer support if its needed, access to what I have learnt to answer any questions you may have.


Thank you for visiting.

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