Best Lead Magnets To Build Your Email List

In online marketing, there is an old saying that “The list is the gold.” An email list allows you to keep in touch and follow up with leads, share your expertise, build trust, and increase sales. It’s one of the best methods to build a successful home business. With that in mind let’s find out about the best lead magnets to build your email list.

Whether a business that sells products direct, affiliate marketing or any other online business, it helps sales to have an email list.

How Does a Lead Magnet Work?

A lead magnet can be a valuable product you offer your visitors in exchange for their email addresses. People are afraid of email and overwhelmed by it. A lead magnet can be a compelling incentive to sign up for your email newsletter.
The best online entrepreneurs use one lead magnet to grow their lists. As a way of building their email lists, bloggers have been offering content upgrades for some of their posts. A content upgrade can be described as a niche or targeted lead magnet.

What Makes a Great Lead Magnet?

A free report is not enough. To make a lead magnet work, it must:

  • Have high, actual, and perceived values
  • Provide a solution or solve a problem for your market

People are most responsive to offers that solve a problem. Subscribers must be able to use your lead magnet to accomplish something. Keep your eyes on a narrow topic. It doesn’t mean you have to divulge all your secrets. Instead, put your focus on one thing that you can help with.

A list of Lead Magnets for Building Your Email List

Lead magnets are meant to attract subscribers. Here are tips to help you build your email database.

E-bookBest Lead Magnets To Build Your Email List

E-books are generally longer reports that break the narrow niche rules. Authors have great success using the free e-book or chapter lead magnet. This works well for consultants and coaches.

Digital Report

This is one of the most widely used lead magnets. They are excellent at showcasing your expertise and delivering valuable information. Focus on one issue only.


People want to get stuff that helps them solve problems right away. That is what a worksheet or workbook does.


The webinar lead magnet is gaining popularity. Webinars can not only showcase your expertise but also allow you to build a stronger relationship with your audience by including a video/audio component.

Cheat Sheets

Cheat sheets work well because they are easy to use and allow subscribers to concentrate on what is important. This helps them save time and allows them to solve their problem faster.


The blueprint is similar to the cheatsheet. It helps subscribers to focus on the essential tasks and achieve their goals faster.


Lead magnets that offer toolkits or resources are popular because subscribers want to learn what you and other people use to achieve success.

Case Study

Many people enjoy looking at the work of others. Subscribers will be shown how someone achieves the same results as them in a case study.

Mini-CourseBest Lead Magnets To Build Your Email List. quiz, challenge, coupon, mini course

Short courses can not only showcase your expertise but also provide subscribers with the specific information and instruction they are seeking. Online courses are available, or you can simply send your course by email.


Many subscribers love tools that help them accomplish their goals. Printables are a great tool. Organizers can provide a series of printables for listing the items in their closets. A mom blogger could provide printables on menu planning.

Online Tool/App/Software

Many businesses offer free, “lite” versions to their digital tools in order to attract new subscribers. Those who use the software, app, or tool and are happy to pay for it will most often return.


As a coach, consultant, or other professional, you can offer a free review or assessment. You can, for instance, offer a review of your website to anyone who is a web developer.

Consultation Free of Charge

The consultation, which is similar to the review or assessment, allows subscribers to meet for free for 15 or 30 mins to see what you have in store.


However, this lead magnet is not as effective as other ones because many people aren’t ready to buy right away. It can still attract more people to your business than your competitor if they know they can receive a discount.


You can have fun with surveys or quizzes. Subscribers must fill out the survey or quiz before they can access the results.


Inspiration and motivation are two key ingredients for people to succeed in their endeavors. This is where challenges can be a great way to help.
A weight loss coach can organize a 30-day fitness challenge. For social media managers, a 30-day Instagram challenge is possible.

Building the Best Lead Magnets for Your Home Business

You have many excellent lead magnet ideas to choose from if you are a coach. A webinar, checklists, reports, as well as a free consultation, are some of the options.
Checklists and a report on virtual support are great options for virtual assistants. These are some considerations when selecting your lead magnet.

What is the Best Way to Deliver Your Market’s Solution?

This is where the ideal lead generator will emerge. Your market might be looking for gluten-free recipes and tips, for example, if you own a gluten-free food blogger.

What Are You Most Comfortable Doing?

Although a video or webinar might make a good lead magnet, if you don’t have the resources or knowledge to do that, it might be worth starting with something else.

Promote Your Lead MagnetPromotion

Once you have the lead magnet and delivery method ready, connect to the email service. You will then need to promote the lead magnet. Make sure to highlight the benefits that your lead magnet has to entice customers. Here are some suggestions:
You can use a squeeze page. This page will only contain your lead magnet. They can sign up and be taken to the rest of your website. Offer an option to skip the main page in order to avoid irritating people.
Your lead magnet signup should be included on every page of your website. Include sidebars as well at end of the content.
Pop-ups can be a good idea. They can be annoying but are effective. You can make a pop-up that only occurs once so visitors don’t get interrupted.
Use HelloBar. It allows you to place an email sign-up at the top, bottom, or in one corner of your website.
Include your lead magnet in your email signature.
Ask your subscribers to forward the email to others who could read it and sign up.


You can do all kinds of marketing for your home business but an email list will be the most effective. Include it in your marketing plan. The key is a great lead magnet. Did this post help you in your quest to find the best lead magnets to build your database?

Is there anything you could add to this? If so let me know in the comments. I am always ready to learn more. When you have an online business you never stop learning.

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6 thoughts on “Best Lead Magnets To Build Your Email List”

  1. Hey There! A fantastic post highlighting the importance of lead magnet. You are so right that if you want to build your mailing list and grow your business, you must have a lead magnet that attracts people. The more valuable the lead magnet is and the more it increases the curiosity, the better the results. Thank you for this post, because I completely lost my mind in many other things that I am not focusing on building my list. I will start again and re-engage. Thanks again!

    • Glad to help Augustine. You are right, the quality and attraction of the lead magnet is top priority if you want to build a good email list.

      We can’t do everything at once. Building the list is top priority for some, while others leave it further down the list. No right or wrong in this at all.

      Thank you for reading and commenting.

  2. Thank you for these ideas on how to create lead magnets. It’s important that what we offer not only has value but also it’s perceived value should be high. This seems an unnecessary thing to comment but there are cases when we may offer something really valuable and most people don’t realize it because they are unlearned about the topic or not trained.

    • Thank you for reading and commenting Ann.

      I agree with your comment. There is definitely a need to let people know how valuable the free item is. Or choose something that most people will understand as valuable.

  3. I have not set up an email list yet for my website, however, I need to figure it out and get one going. I have never heard of a lead magnet before but it definitely makes sense that it is essential in convincing people to sign up for your website. Is there an email add-on that you can recommend to set up on WordPress? 

    • A lead magnet is a necessity if you want to gather subscribers to your email list. Try Aweber, it is free up to 500 subscribers and has much that is useful such as landing pages and training in various aspects of what is required.

      Thank you for commenting, pleased you found the post useful.


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